This year’s In Your Write Mind workshop will take place June 23-26, 2022. Enrich your writing skills and career possibilities while helping to support the Seton Hill University Writing Popular Fiction Program alumni group's fund to provide scholarships for WPF students!
Special Guest: L. Marie Wood
Agents: Eva Scalzo (Speilburg Literary Agency) and Erin Clyburn (Howland Literary)
Editors: Miranda Hill (Berkley-Penguin Publishing Group) and John Edward Lawson (Raw Dog Screaming Press)
Artist: Greg Chapman
Business and Craft Tracks. Pitch Sessions. Book Signing. Networking. Author Readings. Writing Sprints. Critique Groups. And more!
To register please visit
Unable to attend, but still want to help the alumni program’s mission? Follow the above registration link and you’ll find a donation button located at the bottom of the page. Please consider donating to help keep this vital program going!
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