Discover why only four pages on your website should receive the bulk of your attention, energy, and focus. (If you focus on these four pages, you can ignore almost all the others and still increase profits)
Learn the 7 most important tweaks you should be making to your website this year
See how to easily create a one-page dashboard to help you monitor the 4 most important pages in your business (and monitor the life of your business)
Get a free copy of the “Rapid Listbuilding Worksheet” and the “Rapid Listbuilding Mindmap."
Get a chance to ask questions during our live Q&A session.
Date: Monday, January 1st, 2018
Time: 4pm PT / 7pm ET
Duration: 1 Hour
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Discover why only four pages on your website should receive the bulk of your attention, energy, and focus. (If you focus on these four pages, you can ignore almost all the others and still increase profits)
Learn the 7 most important tweaks you should be making to your website this year
See how to easily create a one-page dashboard to help you monitor the 4 most important pages in your business (and monitor the life of your business)
Get a free copy of the “Rapid Listbuilding Worksheet” and the “Rapid Listbuilding Mindmap."
Get a chance to ask questions during our live Q&A session.